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Warning: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander viewers are warned that this website may contain images and voices of deceased persons.

Logo for Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council

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Communications – Mobile and internet access in Wujal Wujal

Wujal Wujal is a fast-developing town with infrastructure for community businesses including tourism.

We also have our own Remote Indigenous Broadcasting Service (RIBS) which is an important communication tool for isolated and remote indigenous communities.

Everyone in the region uses mobile phones. As with all parts of Australia, connectivity can be better in the larger townships than in some remote parts of the region. Reception can also be affected by weather conditions. Local shops sell phone cards and top-up services. 

Wujal Wujal has access to NBN Mobile Broadband and NBN Satellite services in some locations. Most residences have internet connections and smartphones are used at home and work. Internet access is also available at the Indigenous Knowledge Centre (a small fee may apply).

Community Noticeboard Forum (Currently Disabled)

The Council’s website has a Community Noticeboard Forum – as a visitor, you can see information on these forum sections:

  • Warnings & alerts: includes a live feed of information about severe weather warnings, road safety issues, alerts about access to the town centre and surrounding region, and other updates on issues that can affect the health and safety of residents and visitors.
  • Visitors & Public Forum: use this forum to post your own tips and advice, and share your travel experience with other visitors to our region. You can include safety warnings such as crocodile sightings, other alerts and useful public information.

Wujal Wujal Emergency Management Wireless Network for our visitors 

Wujal Wujal’s unique location means you need good communications to stay informed, alerted and safe when travelling around our remote region. 

Our tropical weather means our landline and mobile services can be less reliable, especially in the rainy season. And not all visitors have access to satellite phones. This is why Wujal Wujal Aboriginal Shire Council uses a simple solution to provide access to our website and forum for our community, including business and tourism visitors even in the event of a telecommunications failure.

Search for the WW_Visitor WiFi network

Search for the WW_Visitor WiFi network on your mobile device or computer. You'll have access to the Council Forums.